A new school year

I love the start of the new school year, that ‘new pencil case’ feeling when you start afresh with everything clean and brand spanking new. Here at Burley Bees we have started the new school term with 2 new little Bees starting and one resident Bee starting school, so very exciting times ahead. The last few months of the year are jam packed with celebrations and we will be exploring as many as we can using ART. So keep a check of our facebook page over the next few months, it is going to be FUN! x

Busy little Bees!

Hello! It has been a busy few months at Burley Bees, all the children have settled in really well and we’ve been having lots of fun. It’s so much fun being a child minder, and seeing the children developing has been far more rewarding than I ever imagined.

Now that the weather is improving we are out more and more in the garden, and the after school children can also take advantage of the lighter evenings. We have lots planned over the next few months, and lots in our local area. Events such as the Football World Cup, the Tour de France on our doorstep, and the Burley Summer Festival, will all feature in our activities. So please come back to this site and ‘like’ my Facebook page to keep in touch.

If you are visiting this page for the first time, please take the time to look through and have a look at my Facebook page which will give you more of an idea of day to day life at Burley Bees. If you would like to leave a comment, please feel free.



Welcome to 2014!

Happy New Year! I hope that you had a great festive period and are ready for the new year and all the adventures that it might hold. We have been welcoming the new children into Burley Bees (by ‘we’ I mean, us as a family) and all seem to be settling well.

Our theme for January is ‘Night and day’ and we have been taking walks in the daytime and talking through what we see and then venturing into the garden with our torches once the sun has set to see how different things seem when it’s dark. We will be working on our new display board this week, using it to display to children’s work and to explore our themes. A list of the themes for the first six months of the year can be found under a separate page. Within each themes, I will have a number of activities to suit all ages and interests

We are looking forward to a busy year full of fun!


We’re official!

Welcome to the now official, OFSTED certified Burley Bees Childminding. It has been a long road but we are finally up and running and I am very excited to have some children who have already joined us. Settling in is going really well, far better than I had hoped.

So now the hard work starts! We have had a gentle start, to help the new ones settle in and once we are all happy we will be out exploring! This afternoon, when the schoolies arrive home we’ll be having our first fire drill!

We’ve started using the babysdays system which has been really easy to use and will help me to keep in close contact with parents.

Looking forward to lots of adventures to come.

Final stages…

DBS checks have finally been completed and I am now waiting for my pre-registration visit by Ofsted. This must be completed by 18th December so the end is in sight of what has been a very frustrating road. I am so looking forward to welcoming the new children and have lots of ideas of places to visit and things to do that I can’t wait to get started.

So now, I am off to make sure that all of my health and safety checks are complete (and not out of date already!) and to get my paperwork in order so that I can start as soon as Ofsted give me the go ahead.


Still waiting!

After a fab summer holiday with my little ones, the new school year has started and unfortunately Burley Bees isn’t quite up and running yet. As suspected the process of registering through OfSTED has taken longer than I had hoped and we are still awaiting social services checks. Fingers crossed these will be sorted in the next week or so.

In the meantime, we are getting very excited here in the WIlliams’ household about the little ones who are hoping to join us. We are busy tidying the garden, gathering together a huge amount of crafty stuff and thinking of lots of activities that we can do over the next few months. We are also planning menus and snacks that we hope will appeal to everyone.

I’ll keep you posted!

Hello and welcome

My name is Andrea Williams and I live in Burley-in-Wharfedale with my 3 amazing children and my lovely husband Ben. I am currently applying to Ofsted for registration as a Childminder and hope to be welcoming some new little bees into my home by September 2013.

However, Ofsted registration can take a while. I am currently waiting for references, criminal records checks, medical and social services checks to come back. These are all standard and as you’ve guessed it can take some time!

If you would like to contact me tentatively, then please use the contact form page and I will get back to you as soon as possible.