Monthly themes

The following are the themes that I have planned for the first term of the academic year 2014/2015

September – People at Work. With children starting school and returning to pre-school it gives us a great opportunity to find out about what people do all day! Where the mummies, daddies, other grown-ups and older children go and what they do all day.

October— Autumn Looking at the changes that happen in nature as Autumn arrives. Looking at lots of different colours, and things that fall from the trees! Also touching on Harvest Festival, Eid, Diwali and Halloween.

November— Fire, Water and Earth Starting with bonfire night, looking colours and textures, hot and cold, wet and dry, natural items and man-made items. Also looking at Remembrance Day

December— Celebrations from around the world Looking at celebrations around the world for Bodhi Day (8th Dec; Buddhist), Hannukah (17th Dec; Jewish) and Christmas (25th Dec; Christian). Thinking about how they celebrate, foods they eat and what people might wear. Finishing up with Christmas.

I use these as a guide only and will always take the lead from children’s interests.

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